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Topic Reading-Vol.1138-5/24/2015

Dear MEL School’s Topic Readers,
Google's new self-driving cars hit the road
Imagine you were in a driverless car by yourself or with your friends, what would you do?
Surely, it’ll be a great relief from the frustration you suffer from and concentration you need to make when you drive yourself. You can use your smartphone to talk, chat, surf the Internet, play games or read a book. You can also take a nap or indulge in a philosophical question.
Google, one of the most valuable and aggressive tech companies, is almost ready to launch such driver-free vehicles. The car is designed to speed no faster than 40 km/hour, which seems appropriate for local drive for conventional use such as grocery shopping, short commute, or sending kids to school. Wait. If it drives itself, you don’t need to be in the car! You can have the car send your kid or pet, or your kid or pet can get to anywhere by themselves! That probably depends on the local regulations, not technology.
Enjoy reading and imagining what benefits and conveniences you might enjoy by a driverless car.

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