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Topic Reading-Vol.684-2/24/2014

Dear MEL School’s Topic Readers,
Danish zoo kills healthy giraffe, feeds body to lions.
It may sound outrageous and inhumane act to kill a healthy young animal even it’s an euthanasia, especially in a zoo where animals are supposedly housed, fed and taken care to entertain the visitors. On February 8, a two-year old healthy male giraffe was shot in the head in a zoo in the capital of Denmark despite the numbers of petitions and criticism from all over the places. More surprisingly, the body was autopsied outside in front of the visitors including children and the finally eaten by other habitants of the zoo such as lions and tigers.
As a matter of fact, dozens of animals like goats, antelopes and wild boar are culled in the zoo every year to maintain a sound and healthy population of those species.
Why a healthy young male giraffe?
Inbreeding, or breeding too closely related animals, may cause chronic diseases or genetic disorders.
Any other options?
Enjoy reading the article and seeing the video to find why the carers had to kill their beloved animal.

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