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Topic Reading-Vol.674-2/14/2014

Dear MEL School’s Topic Readers,
China software to rival Android, iOS.
What do you care the most when it comes to choosing a smartphone or tablet PC besides the price? There are many determining factors like physical appeals such as the size, weight, thickness or design, and functional advantages like processing speed, features and connectivity.
What about the brand, manufacturer or the country of origin? How much to you care who makes the underlying operating system of the device when you buy a new phone?
Currently, eight out of ten smartphones sold these days are equipped with Google’s Android OS while around one or two come with Apple’s iOS. Those who buy Android OS seem to be less loyal to the OS while iPhone or iPad users have strong attachment to the brand, design and operating system.
Will Chinese people pay attention and make decisions when they choose a smartphones or tablet PC based on the origin or the name of the operating system?
One thing for sure is that China is surely aiming seriously and investing a lot to be less dependent on or more competitive in the U.S. dominated technologies and influences such as Global Positioning System, or G.P.S., missile defense system and naval powers including aircraft carriers. And now the operating system for mobile devices.
Enjoy reading and guessing what the future of the mobile operating system might be in China.

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