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Topic Reading-Vol.681-2/21/2014

Dear MEL School’s Topic Readers,
NASA: 2 places on Mars could have been habitable.
Earth’s outer neighboring planet, Mars is the second smallest planet in the Solar System after Mercury, which is often called as the "Red Planet" because of its reddish look. Though it is smaller, lighter, colder and drier than Earth, it’s been believed to be habitable, at least sometime in the past. And people on Earth have been spending large sum of money, intelligence and time to find some proof, whether it is or was habitable, or it was once inhabited. To satisfy the curiosity, several rovers have been sent to the red planet by the U.S.A., the E.U., and Russia, and a few of them are still under operation, and two of them seem to have found some compelling evidence of the planet’s habitable conditions.
Enjoy reading this scientific article and seeing some desertic views of the Red Planet.

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