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Topic Reading-Vol.179-10/7/2012

Dear MEL School's Topic Readers,
China firm sues Obama over blocked US wind farm deal.
It is quite astonishing to know that a foreign company trying to invest in the US sues the president of the country for whatever the reason because they won’t get any public support when the huge trade imbalance is one of the hottest issues for the presidential election just a month ahead. Though national security is something not widely open to the public, most of those who lean that a Chinese company is buying wind farm projects right next to a restricted airspace used by the Naval Weapons Systems Training Facility will frown at the move, and most likely support the decision that the chief of the nation who has the final say on the security matter for the people of the country.
Can any Chinese company sue its own government for blocking a commercial deal because of national security concern?
Enjoy reading and learning about another aggressive move of a company of an aggressive country.

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