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Topic Reading-Vol.4614-12/11/2024

Dear MEL Topic Readers, 
More single women and female couples having IVF
In vitro fertilization (IVF) is a fertility treatment that involves fertilizing a woman's egg with a man’s sperm in a laboratory dish, and then placing the fertilized egg, or embryo, in the woman's uterus. It is used to treat many causes of infertility, including the advanced age of the mother and damaged or blocked fallopian tubes. In the UK, about one in four IVF treatments resulted in a birth. Among 18-39 year-olds who had their first IVF treatment in the UK, female couples account for 16% and single women 18%. Combined, around one-third of IVF treatments were for non-heterosexual couples or females, representing the diversity of families and patients. Now, there are countries in eastern Asia like South Korea and China whose birth rates are falling below 1.0 and the number of unmarried couples is increasing. IVF might be one of the ways to form a family for those who choose not to have a heterosexual partner. 
Read the article and learn how IVF helps develop diverse families.

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