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Topic Reading-Vol.4550-10/8/2024

Dear MEL Topic Readers,
Italy and Switzerland have agreed to shift their shared border in the Alps. Here’s why
Much of today’s 744-kilometer border between Italy and Switzerland runs across the High Alps, rising above 4,000 meters. The impact of global warming is severe even at this high altitude. In 2022, Switzerland’s glaciers lost 6% of volume and another 4% last year, eroding some part of the border between the two states. In May last year, a joint Italian-Swiss commission agreed to redraw a border that traverses an Alpine peak as melting glaciers shift the historically defined frontier. Last month, Switzerland officially approved the treaty, and Italy is expected to approve it soon. As sea levels rise, glaciers recede, and ice sheets melt, we’ll soon see a world map that looks quite different from today’s.
Read the article and learn another impact of global warming.

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