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Topic Reading-Vol.4157-9/11/2023

Dear MEL Topic Readers,   
Google's search for an AI future as it turns 25
25 years ago this month in a garage in Menlo Park, California, Google was founded by Larry Page and Sergey Brin, two Ph.D. students at Stanford University. It quickly became the most popular search engine on the Internet and expanded into other products and services, including Gmail, Google Maps, YouTube, and Android, all of which are essential for our daily lives. It became public in 2004, and reorganized itself as a subsidiary of Alphabet Inc. in 2015. Alphabet purchased DeepMind, an artificial intelligence research lab in 2014, which became famous for its AlphaGo, an AI program that plays the board game Go in 2016. However, Chat GPT, the chatbot by OpenAI, which is heavily funded by Microsoft, was the one that exploded in the AI world in November 2022. Although Google followed up a few months later with Bart, ChatGPT is still regarded as the leading generative AI platform by many as of now. Will Google/Alphabet play a dominant role in AI like it has been doing in other internet fields?
Enjoy reading the article and learning about Google’s past and its future potential.

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