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Topic Reading-Vol.4145-8/30/2023

Dear MEL Topic Readers, 
China wants to limit minors to no more than two hours a day on their phones
China has the world’s largest population when it comes to the number of people who have access to the Internet with over one billion users. Approximately one in five users are under 20 years old whose eyesight could be impaired in their early lives if their daily screen time goes over hours. Also, many of those young Internet users were addicted to online games. So, Chinese regulators have restricted the time young people could spend on gaming to only three hours on weekends, not at all on weekdays for the last two years. Then, a popular short video platform Douyin, China’s TikTok, introduced a teenage mode to limit the time children under 14 could spend on the app to 40 minutes a day. Now, the Cyberspace Administration of China is planning to mandate a built-in minor mode that would limit daily screen time to 40 minutes a day for children under eight, an hour for those between eight and 16, and two hours for 17 years old. This would certainly affect children who mainly use their smartphones with their accounts. Will they switch to their parent’s PC to enjoy watching videos or playing games? Though parents seem to welcome the move while tech companies have to comply with the regulation that could reduce their revenues.
Enjoy reading and learning about China’s regulations to keep children healthy.

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