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Topic Reading-Vol.4141-8/26/2023

Dear MEL Topic Readers, 
Growing and burying algae in the Sahara is the latest solution for the climate crisis
There are a number of ways to capture the planet’s warming carbon dioxide, such as direct air capture by machines, bio-capture and storage, and tree planting, each with pros and cons. For example, capturing CO2 by machines consumes energy, and planting trees requires land and water. But there is an abundant unused, uninhabited land in the world. Desert. Also, there is a substantial water resource on the planet that is yet to be used. Sea water. And there is an unpopular but still photosynthetic plant in water. Algae. A British startup is now growing algae in pools of seawater in a remote, desert, coastal town in southern Morocco, where neither the land nor the water has ever been used. Algae’s photosynthetic system absorbs carbon dioxide from the air and emits oxygen. So, it’s one of the nature-based solutions to remove carbon from the air without any cost to the environment or natural resources. Furthermore, the company plans to sell carbon credits for its operation and future expansion. Sounds like a pretty economical and environmentally friendly organic growth project, doesn’t it?
Enjoy reading the article about growing algae in seawater in the Sahara Desert.

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