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Topic Reading-Vol.4102-7/18/2023

Dear MEL Topic Readers,
Authorities swoop on Chinese restaurant that challenged customers to eat 108 dumplings
In China, people used to order more food than they could possibly finish when they had a special occasion to show the hospitality and generosity of the host. If no food is left on the table, people might have suspected that food wasn’t enough for the guests. But such custom has been viewed differently ever since China’s leader, Xi Jinping, declared war on the “shocking and distressing” squandering of food in 2020. Then the Communist Party’s “clean plate” campaign targeted live-streaming extreme eaters, wasteful diners, and others amid concerns about China’s ability to feed its 1.4 billion people. Recently, a restaurant in a city in Sichuan province was investigated by the local authority if its “king of big stomach challenge” violated the food waste law, which was enacted in 2021. The restaurant advertised that it would offer a free meal to its customers who would eat 108 dumplings quickly. While binge eating or eating contests, such as Nathan’s Hot Dog Eating Contest in New York, aren’t uncommon in other parts of the world, China now has a law against wasting food. Should how much to order be regulated by law or left to the discretion of people? Whichever the case might be, binge eating is unhealthy for the individual, and food waste is unfriendly to the environment.
Enjoy reading the article and think about how many dumplings are too many for you.

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