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Topic Reading-Vol.3518-11/28/2021

Dear MEL Topic Readers,
This UK bank has moved to a four-day workweek without cutting pay
Most of the workers in industrialized countries work five days a week. This practice was first instituted in the US about a century ago, most notably at Ford Motor Company in 1926. The practice became gradually popular among other countries and workplaces especially after World War II, and work hours have also been reduced to 40 hours or less. This five-day workweek has been regarded as the de-facto standard for most employment opportunities even though work practice, tools, and technologies have changed drastically in most workplaces in the last 20 years. But because of the Covid-19 pandemic, many workers now choose or are forced to work online or from home. So, isn’t this the time to review when, how long and where to work to improve productivity and employees’ welfare? One UK bank recently adopted a four-day workweek with the same pay. Also, it reduced the weekly work hours from 37.5 hours to 34. Will the employees work more productively and happily? Will the bank attract more qualified and motivated workers?
Enjoy reading the article and think about your work-life balance.

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