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Topic Reading-Vol.3511/11/21/2021

Dear MEL Topic Readers,

Taliban hold military parade with US-made weapons in Kabul in show of strength

The Afghanistan administration and military suddenly disappeared about two months ago when then the nation’s president fled from Kabul with bags of cash as the Taliban forces approached the capital. Also, foreign, mainly the US forces evacuated by the end of August, abandoning their own and given military weapons, ammunition, equipment, vehicles, and aircraft, which had cost around 28 billion dollars. Now, as the Taliban is transforming the insurgent force to a regular standing army, they are equipped with those precious US military assets. Also, many US-trained engineers and operators of this high-tech equipment and vehicles are now working under Taliban forces. On November 13, the newly formed Taliban military paraded in the capital city with US-made weapons to demonstrate how well they can make use of the abandoned military asset. But in order to use and maintain that high-tech equipment and vehicles, they need parts, services, ammunition, and software updates. How will the Taliban get them? Will Afghanistan be a new customer for the US military industry? Will the US recoup the massive grant from the former enemy?

Read the article and learn about these newly emerged the most-well equipped central Asian forces.

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