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Topic Reading-Vol.3377-7/10/2021

Dear MEL Topic Readers,

Solving India's deadly conflict between humans and elephants

While people in India eat food with their hands (Vol.3376-7/9/2021), elephants eat by wrapping its trunk around leaves and grasses. Asian elephants are an endangered species. There are about 30,000 of them live in India whose population is nearly 1.4 billion. Though India has over 100 national parks and 30 elephants’ reserves, many of them live outside these protected areas where humans also inhabit. As more elephants roam around off-protected areas, more conflicts with humans occur. In fact, about 500 people are killed by elephants each year in India. Also, the gigantic animal eats about 150kg of grass, leaves, and bark each day but sugarcane, rice, and bananas are even more enticing to them. Naturally, they try to eat farm crops when they find them, which causes conflicts with farmers. Even though elephants are sacred animals to Hindus and protected in India, such casualties and damages are intolerable. They need to find ways to live with the beloved animal somehow.

Enjoy reading the article and learn about the conflicts with elephants.

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