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Topic Reading-Vol.3113-10/19/2020

Dear MEL Topic Readers,
Coronavirus: France reports more than 30,000 new infections
France is an advanced and transparent democratic country in Western Europe. The nation’s population is about 67 million, 65 million of whom live in metropolitan areas, including the three largest cities, Paris, Marseille, and Lyon. As of October 16, 2020, the number of confirmed coronavirus cases passed 800,000, over 50,000 of which were added just in the last two days. Although over 33,000 lives were lost by Covid-19 so far, the death toll hasn’t risen as much as it did back in April recently, thanks to the better prepared and equipped medical services.
But why has this developed and supposedly organized country been experiencing such many new cases of this already-known virus? People could get enough masks, keep social distance, and avoid interacting with others openly like stated in the guidelines. 30,000 new cases a day is just unthinkable. Why and what could reduce new infections in this proud republic? And unfortunately, France isn’t the only European country that has been experiencing the recent surge of new cases.
After all, no matter how restrictive the government measures might be, it’s the people who could stop the spread of the virus.
Read the article and think about what it would take to make Europeans stop the further spread of coronavirus.

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