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Topic Reading-Vol.2892-3/12/2020

Dear MEL Topic Readers,
Smartphones may make your headaches worse, study finds
Do you suffer from a headache often? If yes, how and how long do you use your smartphone? If you use a smartphone for hours every day, it might take longer or more painkillers to recover from a headache, according to a study conducted in India.
One possible cause for a slower recovery is “text neck.” It means that you bend your neck to scroll through your smartphone often and for a long time. That’s because your spine gets strain as much as 10 kilograms or more. Another cause is that your eyes are strained when you focus on the screen, hold it too close to your eyes, and use the phone too long.
Though the correlation between a headache and these physical strains aren’t clear, it seems that excessive use of a smartphone seems to deteriorate the recovery from a headache.
Though the study was conducted only to those who use smartphones a lot, what about online game players who spend hours with their tiny machines?
Enjoy reading the article and rethink how and how long you want to use your smartphone.

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