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Topic Reading-Vol.2852-2/1/2020

Dear MEL Topic Readers,
Coronavirus: What it does to the body
As over 10,000 people have been confirmed to have been infected, the World Health Organization, WHO, declared the novel coronavirus outbreak a public health emergency of international concern. It is now defined as an extraordinary event that constitutes a public health risk beyond China through the international spread of disease, and potentially require a coordinated international response. Previous emergencies have included Ebola, Zika and H1N1. Despite China’s all-time effort to contain the virus, including locking down nearly 60 million people, banning group travels, and extending the Spring Holidays, there were more than 100 confirmed cases in 20 places outside of China at the end of January.
What do you know about this novel coronavirus? What are the symptoms? What does it do to the human’s body and health? Who is more vulnerable to the virus than others?
Read the article to learn about this deadly, fast-spreading coronavirus.

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