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Topic Reading-Vol.2806-12/17/2019

Dear MEL Topic Readers,
When the best way to take note is by hand
When you take notes in class or a meeting, which do you prefer, typing on the keyboard or writing by hand? In most cases, you can take notes faster by typing than by writing with a pen and paper. But that does not necessarily mean you learned it better. According to a study conducted in a US university, even though those who typed and wrote showed no significant difference when it comes to remembering the fact, students in the latter group were able to explain what they learned better. The researchers found that students who used keyboards simply typed what was said without thinking so much while those who took notes by hand wrote what they thought was important. It seems like verbatim notetaking versus summarizing, the former of which involves shallower cognitive processing. Indeed, when you take notes, you tend to process the information more deeply and write down only the essence or what you think is important, which certainly requires more thinking.
It sounds like typing is nearly just moving your fingers without thinking too much while writing activates your brain more but moves your hands less.
But what if there is no textbook to annotate in and you have to make notes on your own piece of paper? Will you revise it later?
Whichever the way you prefer, using your brain is the key to learn things better.
Enjoy reading the article and think about how you take notes in the next class or meeting.

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