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Topic Reading-Vol.2757-10/29/2019

Dear MEL Topic Readers,
Google claims its quantum computer can do the impossible in 200 seconds
Google used to be known primarily as a search engine company. But recently, their advancement in AI, such as Alpha Go which beat human Go champions, and auto driving subsidiary called Waymo, made it one of the most advanced multi-international technology companies. Last month, Google also launched its latest smartphone, the Pixel 4 XL. With Ai, auto-driving, smartphone, and other Internet services, Google unquestionably is a leading company in high tech fields.
However, its technologies aren’t limited only in technologies for today and tomorrow. Google has recently claimed that they achieved ultra-super computing with quantum computing technology. According to their announcement, the quantum computer solved a problem only in a few minutes, which calculation would take thousands of years with a conventional supercomputer.
Why so much faster? While today’s computers use the unit of information is called a "bit" and can have a value of either 1 or 0, quantum system can have a value of both 1 and 0 at the same time, which make multiple calculations to be performed simultaneously. This new computing is expected to be a breakthrough technology in the field of searching, simulation, speed, and cryptography. It may make, or might have made, the impossible possible.
Enjoy reading the article and watching the video to learn about this breakthrough computing technology.

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