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Topic Reading-Vol.2437-12/13/2018

Dear MEL Topic Readers
Cambodia releases surrogate mothers who agree to keep children
Surrogacy is a method to assist reproduction for intended parents who can’t do so on their own, such as couples that have difficulty in fertilizing or genetic defect, mothers that are unable to carry a child, or same-sex couples. A surrogacy mother gets artificially inseminated with the father’s sperm and then carries and delivers the baby. Therefore, she is the baby’s biological mother because her egg was fertilized by the father’s or donor’s sperm. There is another method called gestational surrogate. It uses in vitro fertilization, IVF, to gather eggs from the mother and fertilize them with sperm from the father and place the embryo into the surrogate mother. In this case, the surrogate is called the birth mother because she has no genetic ties to the child.
In either case, surrogacy could be commercially arranged within or beyond borders. In countries like India, Thailand, and Cambodia, such commercial surrogacy is regarded as human trafficking and banned.
Whether they are illegally or commercially arranged and carried, surrogate babies are innocent even though their biological or birth mothers are not.
Enjoy reading the article and learn about the recent surrogacy practice in Cambodia.

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