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Topic Reading-Vol.1683-11/19/2016

Dear MEL Topic Readers,
Psychic software? How a small social media company predicted Donald Trump's victory
Do you always answer poll questions as honestly as your comments on social media? Most people write their opinions or feelings from their heart on social media because they want to express them. But they don’t always express their true emotion or thoughts on politics when they are asked because they are asked.
That’s what seems to have happened in the last US presidential election. Many answered more favorably to one candidate than they really think of her. That’s because they might have not wanted to be looked as a supporter of the other radical candidate. But some of them didn’t seem to have voted for the candidate they said they would.
Analyzing social media traffic is a new way to find recent trend, rising problems and potential moves. Combining with Ai and polls, a South African company was able to predict the US election result. They did the same for the UK referendum for Brexit.
Enjoy reading and thinking if you would vote on emotion or by reason.

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