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Topic Reading-Vol.1592-8/20/2016

Dear MEL Topic Readers,
Would you take a selfie on Mars? Julien Mauve snaps interplanetary tourists
Is it so unrealistic for ordinary people to travel to the red planet? As the photographer who earned the 2016 Sony World Photography Award said, it takes only half a day and $800 to travel to the other side of our planet. Then why not to the neighbor planet?
And what would you do if you had a dream vacation on Mars? Of course, you won’t be able to swim in the water or breathe fresh air there. But you would definitely enjoy shooting once-in-a-life photos of the scenery and yourself.
That’s what the photographer wanted to show in his photos of the traveler’s using a selfie and a tablet like any tourist does on earth. Though the background is unusual, the persons in the photos look quite natural.
Enjoy seeing the photos and imagining if or when you would take a journey to Mars.

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