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Topic Reading-Vol.1551-7/10/2016

Dear MEL Topic Readers,
China fits final piece on world's largest radio telescope
Another number one in the world by China. This time it isn’t the number of a certain product being sold or length of railways or a bridge for transport. It is a radio telescope, as large as 500 meters in diameter, to detect lights and signals from the space, especially the ones traveled for many light years. It is in fact nearly 70% larger than the now the largest telescope in Puerto Rico.
What are they attempting to do with such a gigantic telescope? According to Chine media, it is designed to survey hydrogen and also to detect pulsars and gravitational waves in order to explore space and look for extraterrestrial life. However, its’s archrival the U.S. thinks it also serves for space military campaigns.
Whatever the intention might be, this huge structure on the land is going to help scientific community learn more about the universe.
Enjoy reading and seeing the video to learn about another scientific initiative by China.

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