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Topic Reading-Vol.1547-7/6/2016

Dear MEL Topic Readers,
Going green: Morocco bans use of plastic bags  
Who are the largest consumers of plastic bags? This question is easily answered by most of you, Americans (maybe Chinese if there is reliable data available). But who are the next?
Surprisingly, this tiny North-African country with a population of about one-tenth of the U.S. uses more plastic bags than any other country. They seem to be obsessed by this environmentally harmful convenience using as many as 900 bags per person a year.
The country has been trying to take leadership role to become greener and recently made a law that prohibits production, import and distribution of plastic bags. Making such a progressive and aggressive law is remarkable but it is just a start. How the law is practiced is in fact much more important. One question is if they have enough substitutes or practical solutions for 900 bags per person a year.
Enjoy reading and thinking what Moroccans use that many plastic bags for.

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