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Topic Reading-Vol.1421-3/2/2016

Dear MEL Topic Readers,
Harvard abolishes 'master' in titles in slavery row
You needn’t worry about your master’s degree, if you have one at Harvard. They’ve just agreed to change the title of “House master”, who is in charge of residential halls at the university to "faculty dean," in response to the students’ protest that “master” echoes of slavery.
Such disputes about race and identity seem to have affected many universities and colleges in the U.S., about the seals, statues, building names and links used in the campus. They are also seen in institutions in other countries such as South Africa and England.
However, the way schools are handling these protests is quite different. Oxford rejected a demand to remove a statue of the 19th century politician from one of its colleges saying the world is not always comfortable for all.
Enjoy reading and thinking whether students should be able to confront ideas that make them uncomfortable.

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