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Topic Reading-Vol.1316-11/18/2015

Dear MEL School’s Topic Readers,
Emperor Penguins get too hot
Penguins can swim but can’t fly. More importantly, they can keep themselves warm enough to survive in Antarctica where temperatures goes -20°C or below in winter, cold enough to keep tuna meat vividly red, suitable for sashimi. As you most probably know, they gather closely together to form a huddle to stay warm in the severe winter. You can easily imagine that penguins on the outskirts must endure icy winds and feel the coldest. But there is something else going on inside the huddle.
Researchers have recently found that the ones on the inside the huddle get too hot, for penguins, so that penguins in a huddle constantly change their positions to get wormed and cooled.
Enjoy reading and thinking what the life for the flightless birds is like on the coldest continent.

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