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Topic Reading-Vol.1055-3/2/2015

Dear MEL School’s Topic Readers,
Filthy India air cutting 660 million lives short by 3 years
It’s that bad. The country is already shamefully labeled as one of the most polluted places in the world, having been named 13 of its cities on the World Health Organization's list of the 20 most polluted.
And now a new research shows that that pollution in not only urban but also rural regions seems to have shortened their life expectancy by as long as three years. This suggests that lives of the young are the ones affected the most. To make this situation worth, the country is pledged to build more coal burning power plants to power up 300 million people who don’t have electricity now and also to boost its economy.
Enjoy reading and learning how severe the present and future air pollution is in soon-to-be the most populous nation in the world.

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