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Topic Reading-Vol.1052-2/27/2015

Dear MEL School’s Topic Readers,
Employees raid Afghan bank and flee with cash
Can you believe that a senior official at a branch of the central bank robbed his own branch? That’s what happened in a southern region of Afghanistan, near the border with Pakistan.
The senior official and his relatives are believed to have emptied the safe of the branch and crossed the border to Pakistan. The nation’s banking system has been warned by the international financial community of its fragility. This incident seems to prove the warning should have been heard and followed.
Also, if you think of the qualification, career path and future perspective of senior staff of the central bank, it is hardly believable that he abandoned everything and fled to another country. This could suggest how unhopeful the nation’s future looks to its citizens.
Enjoy reading and learning about the latest bombshell in the still struggling country.

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