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Topic Reading-Vol.1039-2/14/2015

Dear MEL School’s Topic Readers,
Same-sex marriage: Where in the world is it legal?
Today’s the lovers’ day. And lovers aren’t limited only to opposite gender couples, for not only humans but also some animal species as introduced yesterday in Vol.1038-2/13/2015. One of the big differences between humans and animals is law. Humans are much more ruled and organized by the law. And same-sex marriage is one of the most recent trends yet still is not legalized in most of the countries or states. Many still don’t grant the same social or financial benefits to such couples.
There are only 20 countries that have legalized or about to legalize the same-sex marriage, mostly in northern European and major Latin American countries as well as many of the states in America.
Enjoy reading and learning which countries or states are open-minded to treat gay couples equally.

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