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Topic Reading-Vol.850-8/9/2014

Dear MEL School’s Topic Readers,
Ebola's frontline: Battling fear and deadly virus
What is Ebola virus disease, EVD, or Ebla? It is the human disease caused by the Ebola virus. The symptoms typically include a fever, throat and muscle pains, and headaches, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. At this stage, it could be thought just as ordinary cold or the flu. But then, it decreases the function of the liver and kidneys and even bleeding. These symptoms are similar to the ones of malaria or choler but this disease has much higher mortality rate of between 50% and 90% of those infected with the virus. There is no specific or effective treatment for the disease at the moment. Human-to-human transmission can occur via direct contact with blood or bodily fluids from an infected person, like AIDS. Therefore, medical or care workers who treat the patients are at high risk.
Enjoy reading and learning about the risk-full decision made by a team of medical volunteers who had been sent to a small African country for a medical project to improve day-to-day.

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