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Topic Reading-Vol.824-7/14/2014

Dear MEL School’s Topic Readers,
Scientist who discovered Ebola: ‘This is unprecedented’
There is an outbreak of a deadly disease in Western Africa, namely Guinea, Sierra Leone, and Liberia. Nearly 500 people have died this year mainly in the capitals of these countries. People who are infected by this disease show symptoms that look like the flu or a cold – headache, fever, maybe diarrhea in its early stage, so they may not recognize that they’ve gotten a serious and almost incurable disease until very fast and uncontrollable bleeding occur. That is one of the biggest problems of this disease. It could spread before an infection is suspected or identified.
Though it was discovered two scores ago, little is known about this lethal virus, Ebola, and there is no vaccine against its infection. The good news is that this virus is infected only with a close contact like touching. So it could be prevented from spreading if the government takes decisive moves like isolation and quarantine of the patients, as well as timely and effective informing of the public.
Enjoy reading and learning about an outbreak of a deadly disease before it becomes an epidemic or pandemic.

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