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Topic Reading-Vol.754-5/5/2014

Dear MEL School’s Topic Readers,
New Year's Twin Babies Born in Separate Years
Twins have birthdays? That could happen when two babies are born on two different days, most likely before and after midnight when the date changes.
What about twins born in two different years? You can now imagine that could happen when one of the twins is born at the very end of the last day of a year and the other is born at the beginning of the following year. Isn’t that purely coincidental?
Two such incidents were reported between 2013 and 2014 in the State and Canada. There could be more in other places in the world. But one thing for sure is that every year-end, the families are going to have big New Year Eve parties!
Enjoy reading and learning about the two happy families on the Children’s day in Japan.

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