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Topic Reading-Vol.520-9/13/2013

Dear MEL School’s Topic Readers,
Diana Nyad's jellyfish-proof face mask.
Last year, the 64-year-old endurance swimmer’s attempt to swim from Cuba to Florida, approximately 160 kilometers in distance, was aborted almost half of the way because deadly box jellyfish repeatedly stung her in the mouth, only spot exposed to the deadly creatures. The venom of the box jellyfish, which is common to tropical waters, suffered the swimmer so badly that she later mentioned that she had felt being burned alive in the water.
However, thanks to the specially designed silicon mask that covers the swimmer’s entire face and neck and was worn through one night when box jellyfish was around her, she could manage to swim to Key West, Florida in her fifth attempt in 35 years.
Enjoy reading and learning one road to the dream.

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