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Topic Reading-Vol.517-9/10/2013

Dear MEL School’s Topic Readers,
Vietnam internet restrictions come into effect.
The world seems to be pretty much divided between freedom or restriction, generosity or control, democracy or one-party/dictatorship ruling especially when it comes to how people can use the Internet media such as Twitter, blogs or social network services like Facebook.
Will it be sustainably effective to limit or control interactions of these popular media? It seems to take substantial investment and effort to monitor the web traffic and consequently take “appropriate actions” like China, which is said to be deploying tens of thousands personnel for such incredibly demanding tasks for its 600 million Internet users 24 hours a day and seven days a week.
Even in a smaller population like Vietnam, which is ruled solely by Communist party, will it be really possible to limit the use of such popular media to exchange or share only personal information but not news or opinions?
Enjoy reading and learning what the economically prospective country is trying to do. 

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