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Topic Reading-Vol.166-9/24/2012

Dear MEL School's Topic Readers,
Arctic ice shrinks to all-time low; half 1980 size.
While the world has been struggling to deal with man-made troubles such as uprisings, protests, disputes, economy and so on, the climate has been surely changing to an unpleasant direction. People might have forgotten about the global warming problem maybe because it’s so inconvenient for politicians when they have to deal with other more urgent agenda before them to keep or get support for elections.
One of the scientists says this year’s sea ice level smashed the record built in 2007 that had also smashed the previous one. And don’t just worry about the size but be reminded the thickness of the sea ice because the how large and how think are the math formula for the mass of ice.
Enjoy reading and learning about how serious arctic ice is to our planet.

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