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Topic Reading-Vol.152-9/10/2012kb

Dear MEL School's Topic Readers,
How Obama and Romney Could Tie in the Electoral College: ‘Just Explain It’.
Many of those who aren’t American or eligible to vote in the U.S., might have been confused with its presidential election system, especially the electoral college. Indeed, this seems to be a confusing issue even for Americans as there shows up an easy-enough-for-even-a-dummy-can-understand version of explanation on the web, which also explain how their congress consists of. Just to make it sure, there are 50 states, that is the number of stars in their national flag, and the District of Columbia, known as Washington D.C in the U.S., and each states has two senators to the senate.
Enjoy reading and learning about one of the most complicated election systems for one of the most influential leaders in the today’s world.

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