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Topic Reading-Vol.132-8/21/2012

Dear MEL School’s Topic Readers,
Samsung starts US, UK sales of Galaxy Note 10.1.
Now, you can take notes while surfing the Internet on a tablet PC! It sounds amazing and quite useful especially for students who are busy taking notes while doing a research or enjoy net surfing or watching a video with a piece of device, or a business professional who take notes while presenting an idea or plan to his or her client, IF it works smoothly AND it’s accompanied with useful apps.
There is another note; South Korea is rolling out a $2 billion project to replace paper books with digital texts. It sounds very possible and understandable that the country is taking advantage of its most advanced electronics companies in the world that provide devices to put the country ahead of others, especially its neighbor country.
Enjoy reading and thinking what you can do with another newest and hottest gismo.

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