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Topic Reading-Vol.32-5/13/2012

Dear MEL School's Topic Readers,
Beijing endorses Manila's move to resume contact
This is an article that China Daily posted on May 11, about the disputed tiny islands, or rocks and reefs, in South China Sea called Scarborough Shoal or Scarborough Reef, or Huangyan Island by China, where its sovereignty has been disputed by Taiwan, the Philippines and China.
You might have read or heard about this issue by Japanese or Western media but this is another way to look at the samy issue.
When it comes to territory, each party or state claims its right and legitimacy and accuses others who do the same. When the tension arises and diplomatic efforts seem difficult to resolve the dispute, economic sanctions or military actions could be brought about, especially where energy and/or natural resources are involved.
Enjoy reading and learning from it from it.

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