Dear MEL Topic Readers,
How often should you poo?
Is pooing a few times a day too often, or a few times a week too few? It varies by individual, but in general, neither is too frequent nor too infrequent. However, normal bowel movement doesn’t guarantee health. Researchers found those who poo normal stools, like sausage or banana, seven times a week had more good bacteria in their guts while those who poo fewer times had more toxins in their blood. That’s because the longer digested food stays in your intestines, the more it ferments and rots, causing toxicity. Another health indicator is the gut transit time, which is how long it takes for food to travel through your digestive system. It varied by individual, ranging from a half day to a few days. Now, you can tell the stool frequency and gut transit time are relevant. That’s why you want to exercise regularly and consume fruits, vegetables, and fiber to poo more frequently to be healthier, certainly not ultraprocessed foods (Vol.4700). Last but not least, you also want to check the color and shape of your poo because it also shows the health of your gut system.
Read the article and learn what your poo cycle and poo mean to your health.
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