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Topic Reading-Vol.4366-4/7/2024

Dear MEL Topic Readers,  
Spain’s siestas-and-late-nights lifestyle is making some people unhappy. Here’s why
First, you may wonder why Spain’s time zone isn’t the same as the one in the UK but Germany despite the location. It is because in 1940, then the fascist leader, Francisco Franco, changed Spain’s time zone to Central European Time (CET) to be in line with Nazi Germany and its occupied lands. Second, Spaniards eat meals much later than others in European countries, with lunch around 2:00 pm and dinner around 10:00 pm. What time do they go to bed and how long do they sleep at night? Third, some Spaniards take an afternoon nap known as “Siesta.” It is a custom in the Mediterranean region like Italy where midday heat is so intense in the summer. In general, Spaniards sleep shorter than other Europeans, and their productivity lags behind others in Europe. People in Spanish seem to enjoy a very unique lifestyle.
Read the article and learn about Spain’s unique time zone and lifestyle.


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