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Topic Reading-Vol.3689-5/18/2022

Dear MEL Topic Readers,

Royal Mail wants fleet of 500 drones to carry mail to remote UK communities

Shetland, also called the Shetland Islands, is a subarctic archipelago in the Northern Atlantic, between Great Britain, the Faroe Islands, and Norway. It is the northernmost part of the United Kingdom, about 170 km from mainland Scotland. So, how are mail delivered to and sent from these remote islands with a population of about 22,000? For now, human-piloted airplanes and boats carry goods and mail. But when they are too foggy, they can’t fly, and when the sea is rough, they can’t ferry. Also, human pilots are more costly compared to machines. So, Royal Mail plans to fly a fleet of autonomous drones to carry mail to and from such remote communities in the UK. These drones are designed to serve as middle-mile transportation, which means they just carry mail between distant postal workers. These drones leave a smaller ecological footprint besides the autonomous and all-weather flying capability. Indeed, delivering parcels and mail to the doorstep might be a bit complicated but taking the role of human-driven vehicles as a middleman might be more practical, economical, and environmentally friendly.

Enjoy reading the article and learning about Royal Mail’s autonomous middleman.

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