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Topic Reading-Vol.3188-1/2/2021

Dear MEL Topic Readers,

Five superpowers ruling the world in 2050

2020 was a year like no one ever could have imagined. The novel virus pandemic put a sudden brake on all kinds of activities and all types of economies. No travels, no gatherings, and no dining out, all of which had been predicted to enjoy healthy growth in the coming years. Now, no businesses but a few, such as IT, deliveries, and medical, are foreseeing a bright future at least for the next few years. So, how could we predict what the world economies will be like three decades from now? While “developed” countries aren’t expected to grow as much as they used to enjoy, large “developing” countries are expected to demonstrate robust growth, such as China, India, Brazil, and Mexico, and will rise in the ranks of the world economies. Even though their prosperity and fortune are unlikely to be enjoyed by all sectors, regions, or classes, there sure will be more opportunities for anyone who is eager to create a brighter future.

Even though this article was created back in March last year, it is not too old to predict what the world might be like three decades later.

Enjoy reading the article and learn what the prospective countries are like now.

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