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Topic Reading-Vol.3179-12/24/2020

Dear MEL Topic Readers,

Kangaroos can ask humans for help, new study shows

The kangaroo is a marsupial, a mammal that carries the young in a pouch. Kangaroos are indigenous to Australia and a symbol of the country. The Australian government estimates kangaroos outnumber humans by 30 million to 25 million in the country. By nature, kangaroos are shy and retiring and usually present no threat to humans. They can stand erect on their hind legs supported by the tail. When they fight, they punch and kick the other. Quite like humans, aren’t they? Also, when they are domesticated, they learn to communicate with humans like dogs. For example, they use their gaze to point and ask for help. Recently, researchers found that even undomesticated kangaroos present similar behaviors to ask a human for help by gazing at or even nudging when they were given food in a container that could not be opened by themselves.

As people have been hunting them for meat and fun, humans are kangaroos’ predators by nature. Have they learned to live with us as they evolved?

Enjoy reading the article about Aussies' intimate friends.

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