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Topic Reading-Vol.2673-8/6/2019

Dear MEL Topic Readers,
Heatwaves and the human body
If you live in the northern hemisphere, by now you might have had enough summer heat and your body has gotten used to it. As the temperature rises, you get sweat and feel tired because your body works harder to keep your core temperature down by loosening the skin to sweat to increase the heat loss from the skin as it evaporates. It’s a good body mechanism but puts a strain on your body. If you aren’t too young or too old, your body can manage the strain but if not, or if too hot, it could lead to heat exhaustion, such as dizziness, fainting, confusion, nausea, muscle cramps, headaches, heavy sweating, or tiredness. Sounds like common symptoms one can have when they are really in bad shape or sick. That how serious heat exhaustion could be. Before you start feeling any of these heat-related problems, you’d better drink a lot of liquid, like water, tea or coffee, move to a cooler place, and cool the skin with cold packs around the armpits or neck. If you still feel exhausted after all these quick remedies, you’d better be taken care of in the hospital. In fact, heat waves cause thousands of deaths each year around the world. The good news is that you know what you have to do to avoid suffering from heat exhaustion and stroke. Stay cool and hydrated.
Enjoy reading and learn the mechanism of heat exhaustion.

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