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Topic Reading-Vol.2628-6/22/2019

Dear MEL Topic Readers,
Reading the tea leaves about whether drinking green tea is good for you
Originated in China, green tea is popular among Asian countries. Unlike black tea or oolong tea, green tea doesn’t undergo withering and oxidation process. Because of the abundant catechins, green tea has been believed to have various health benefits, such as preventing cancers and cardiovascular diseases, lowering fasting blood sugar, losing weight, and deterring cognitive decline. Is green tea really an almighty medicine or life-savor?
Unfortunately, none of such health benefits has been chemically or medically proven. However, that does not mean you cannot enjoy the flavor and taste of green tea. For example, what is an appropriate or ideal drink after a Chinese or Japanese cuisine, coffee or black tea with sugar and milk? Indeed, food and tea, like wine or sake, have long been evolved together. Also, there is undeniable relaxation benefit for having green tea, just like having a cup of coffee or black tea after a meal, during work or for a break.
The bottom line: you can certainly enjoy green tea without harm to your health.
Enjoy reading and learn about what green tea does or doesn’t do for you.

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