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Topic Reading-Vol.2471-1/16/2019

Dear MEL Topic Readers,
Canada wants to welcome more than 1 million new immigrants in the next three years
Canada has the largest surface area of fresh water in the world. Though its land area is nearly as large as the US’s and China’s, its population is around 37 million, only 11% of the US’s and less than 3% of China’s. Though the climate isn’t as warm as Mexico or Bolivia, it has abundant natural resources to keep the houses heated. More importantly, Canada is one of the world's most ethnically diverse and multicultural nations because of its large-scale immigration from many other countries. In fact, over a quarter of the population is non-white, including the indigenous population. Canada is one of the world’s most generous countries for immigrants and has one of the highest per capita admission rates. It offered permanent residency to 286,000 immigrants and refugees in 2017 and is now going to accept one million new residents in the next three years. How generous it is compared to its southern neighbor whose administration is eager to build walls to its border to Mexico!
Enjoy reading and think about the immigration policies of Canada, the US, and your country.

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