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Topic Reading-Vol.2071-12/12/2017

Dear MEL Topic Readers,
Google Amazon row leads to restricted YouTube access
Competition is heating up to the level that users and customers are going to be left far behind. Both Amazon and Google are among the most influential businesses to the general public in America and also in some other countries. They used to play their games on different playing fields, one to sell merchandises and the other to provide content. Both had been pursuing to get as many clicks and touches as possible to maximize their revenues. But as they extended their business domains, they started competing with each other. Then, one drops the other’s product/service from its product offerings, and the other reacted the same. Amazon stopped selling Google’s smart speakers, and Google enabled Echo Show speakers to play YouTube videos. These moves have already caused some inconvenience to consumers. Now, Google, the most generous content provider in cyberspace, announced that it will make Amazon’s Fire TV streaming devices unable to use YouTube from 2018. This is going to cause significant inconvenience and disadvantage to the users of Fire TV since YouTube for Fire TV is almost as essential as TV broadcast for TVs.
How far will these business tensions go?
Enjoy reading and thinking of a life without YouTube.

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