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Topic Reading-Vol.2001-10/3/2017

Dear MEL Topic Readers,
US Marines get first female infantry officer
Wow, a female lieutenant to lead a fighting platoon of toughest guys!
While some religiously and/or traditionally conservative countries still prohibit or restrict women to drive a car or wear an exposing outfit, other gender-progressive countries encourage and promote women to take traditionally male-held roles like combat units. And of course, the world mightiest armed forces, the US military, takes the lead.
A female US Marine successfully completed the highly-demanding infantry officer training course and will soon be assigned to lead a combat platoon. It sounds like a new challenge for both the officer and the soldiers to work together in extreme conditions. She could be assigned to command her troops in a place where women are required to get a permission from their guardian to travel or just to go out. How will she be looked in such places?
Enjoy reading the article, and the last two volumes of Topic Reading, and think if the world will see more or fewer boundaries between genders, races or beliefs in this century.

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