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Topic Reading-Vol.1839-4/24/2017

Dear MEL Topic Readers,
Facebook shares brain-control ambitions
Just think of something, and it’ll be done or realized, even before you speak or type a word of it. This is what the SNS giant is working on now. Though it’ll take long before such brain-direct technology fully recognizes what the mind thinks and reacts properly, the company believes the prospect of such invention and is investing considerable resources.
A silent speech interface is being developed to decode the words humans speak on a day-to-day basis. It requires neither implanted sensor in the brain nor sharing of all the thoughts of the person with Facebook (sounds so scary!). It’s a system that allows a person to choose what to express and write straight from the brain.
Sounds like a system of dream, doesn’t it?
Enjoy reading and thinking what you would do if you got such a mind-decoding, or reading system.

1 comment:

  1. For the time being, I'll keep my Blogger space open, but it will no longer be updated. All the content from this site has been copied to my new site.pengertian administrasi
