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Topic Reading-Vol.1222-8/16/2015

Dear MEL School’s Topic Readers,
India 'to overtake China's population by 2022' – UN
It was in 2011 when the world population reached the seven-billion mark. According to the latest projection by a new UN study, the current population of 7.3 billion will increase by a little over 30% to 9.7 billion by the middle of the century. And the top three of the current population list, China, India and the U.S. will be replaced by India, China and Nigeria. Where the rest of the growth will be generated? The population of 28 African countries is predicted to double.
It seems that every half century or so, the activities and traffic growth seem to change, the Atlantic in the early 20th century, the Pacific in the latter, and now the Indian Ocean for the next fifty years or so.
The biggest challenges for such drastic population increase especially in underdeveloped regions seem to be food and nutrition, public health awareness and measures and education.
Enjoy reading and finding where and how fast the world population is going to increase for the next decades.

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